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Trump in Stormy Daniels porn star case: what now?

By b0oua Apr 16, 2024

Due to New York statute requiring the defendant to be present in the courtroom, the trial is expected to get a great deal of media interest. Trump is clearly interested in making the incident spectacular and utilizing it for political purposes.

The first former US president to go on trial for a crime is Donald Trump. Commencing on April 15th, the first of four criminal cases involving Trump will take place while he is preoccupied with the November presidential elections. The other court proceedings deal with attempts to sabotage the results of Joe Biden’s victories in Georgia, instigating the Capitol Hill attack on January 6, 2021, and improperly managing secret and private materials following the conclusion of his presidential tenure in 2021.

How the procedure operates and the outcomes

The trial, which is being handled by the Manhattan prosecutor’s office in New York, is about the alleged $130,000 that Trump allegedly paid Stormy Daniels—a porn star and current chief accuser of his—through his former attorney, Michael Cohen, during the 2016 presidential campaign in exchange for her silence regarding their previous, roughly ten-year sexual relationship. In the files of his New York real estate company, the money was recorded as monthly legal expenses, thus it was not properly accounted for, according to the indictment. In New York, creating false business records is a criminal that carries a maximum four-year jail penalty, however many offenders have received probationary or fine terms instead.

Trump might face a lengthy prison term if found guilty of all counts, but most legal experts contacted by USA Today say that such a dramatic outcome is unlikely. If found guilty, he might be eligible for parole, and while his appeal was pending, he could probably still run for office.

But keep in mind that Judge Merchan—whom Trump has disparaged and irritated throughout the trial’s months-long preparation—will be the one to determine the penalty in the case of a conviction. In fact, Trump has even targeted Merchan’s daughter, political consultant Loren Merchan. Democrat described as “a rabid Trump hater” by the former president in a post. Following this assault, the judge tightened Trump’s gag order to forbid him from insulting the relatives of those who are being tried.

The principal witnesses

At the end of March 2023, roughly a year ago, Trump was charged with a crime. There are 34 charges, no attempts have been made to reschedule the hearings, and this is the only case that could be concluded before the vote on November 5. The process will start with the jury’s selection, and it is anticipated that it will take six weeks to complete, with hearings scheduled for every day of the week but Wednesday.

One of the main witnesses at the trial will be his former attorney Cohen, who was given a three-year sentence in 2018 for the Daniels affair and for lying to Congress about it. The defense will do all in its power to discredit Cohen by calling him a “declared liar”. Cohen has been Trump’s Mr. Wolf for years, helping him with his most sensitive issues. It is expected that in his testimony, which the defense team is making every effort to obstruct or undermine, Cohen will describe how the “catch and kill” system was used to stifle any potential negative revelations about the tycoon and how the payments were made at Trump’s express request.

Apart from the controversy surrounding Cohen’s testimony, a number of jurists, including those who hold anti-Trump positions, cast doubt on the veracity of the prosecutor’s accusatory thesis, which holds that the tycoon broke state and federal election laws by falsifying his accountants’ records and using money to further his political campaign. This is the most serious charge of all.

Stormy Daniels, an X-rated film actress whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, will be the other important witness. In 2016, she requested an interview in order to disclose that she had an affair with Trump years prior, during his time as Melania Trump’s recent spouse. Prosecutors claim that Trump struck an agreement with Cohen in order to purchase “her silence and prevent the release of negative revelations in the final weeks of the campaign.”

Daniels contested the legality of the signed deal two years later, during Trump’s presidency, arguing that Trump was not the signatory to it. As a result, a legal struggle began, making the affair public and bringing Cohen’s involvement to the notice of the media and prosecutors.

“I swear to tell the truth and to witness. A few days earlier, Trump made an attack on Daniels and Cohen, calling them “two liars,” as well as the legal system that he said was “persecuting” him. “And the truth is that I have not committed any crime,” he stated.

The way the media works

Hence, in the event that there are no postponements, the procedure will require time away from the election campaign, which the outgoing president will have to restrict to the weekends, even if it won’t have a significant effect because the election is still a ways off. The fact that the defendant must appear in court as required by New York law means that the trial will garner a lot of media attention.

As he has done for earlier proceedings, Trump has every intention of spectacularizing the event and using it in an electoral setting. He will make spontaneous remarks to the media as he enters and exits the courtroom, denouncing what he views as a political persecution by the judiciary, which is directed by Joe Biden, his opponent in the upcoming elections.

It is unlikely that this will have the same impact on more moderate Republican voters as it will on the hard-core members of his electorate, the followers of Maga, the far-right movement that Trump inspired. It’s no accident that Trump’s attorneys have used every trick in the book to get this and other Trump-related proceedings dismissed or put on hold until after the elections.

What would occur if Trump is found guilty?

Since this is the sole procedure that might be finished by November, or before the elections, it is thought to be the most important one for the future of the former president. Although the tycoon’s attorneys are hoping for a complete acquittal, each accusation carries a maximum sentence of four years in jail if he is proven guilty. At this point, the majority of Americans want to know if Trump will still be allowed to run for president if he is found guilty. And the answer is not just that the tycoon could still compete for the presidency, but that he could even lead the country from prison in accordance with the American Constitution.

Right now, this is just a hypothetical situation, but if he is found guilty, his opponents will probably try to have him impeached or run for president.–661e4ca80f4ce#goto6049*apnpc1*_gcl_au*MjUzMDI5Mzk5LjE3MTMyNjM4NDI.

By b0oua

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