Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Though I’ve spent months trying to read them all, I doubt I’ll ever complete.

By b0oua Mar 26, 2024

What I have left to read is almost forty years, accompanied by the year ‘2000 AD’

Everyone must engage in their own personal struggles. On the other hand, there is one of my special ones that I have already accepted as lost and given up on. Despite the fact that battling for it brings me an inexhaustible amount of happiness, I will never give up. However, I am aware that I will fall short. ‘2000 AD’ is a veteran British science fiction comic that was the birthplace of iconic characters like as Judge Dredd, Rogue Trooper, Robo-Hunter, and Strontium Dog. My goal is to read the entire comic book. In addition, I am aware that this conflict is doomed to fail from the beginning.

The reason for this is that there are currently 2,373 issues in progress as of the moment that these lines are being written, with an issue having just been released on March 20. A sum that is far higher than my available time and, more importantly, my energy levels.

I have been reading one book every day for the past few months, which means that I have already read a couple hundred copies of the book. This is not because I have not gone about the subject in a methodical manner. On the other hand, if I read thirty books per month and at the same time, four new books are published every month, with a consistent weekly frequency, then I could attain the present level, but the distractions would be endless.

mostly due to the fact that I find myself asking myself, “Why not recover that story that I liked so much fifty issues ago?” as I read. ‘Judge Dredd Megazine’, which is the companion magazine of 2000 AD, has a total of 466 issues, which is equivalent to one issue per month! Not only does the current editor of the magazine,

Rebellion, not give much room for focus, but they also issue compilation volumes every month that contain the whole exploits of the characters. This is done so that readers do not have to read them month after month. The temptation is always present, especially now that they are being reprinted in luxury forms and with pages that have been restored.

Let’s concede defeat: I will never stop reading ‘2000 AD’ since it is the best comic in the world (the best in the galaxy, as they claim themselves!), and I am very delighted that it is the best comic in the world. I see a retired John Tones, people reading comics through extremely advanced sensory immersion gadgets, and I am still rereading the earliest adventures of Judge Anderson, over and over again, on very bad recovered pulp paper, as I have been doing ever since I was a youngster. I have been doing this for as long as I can remember.

Although I read ‘2000 AD’ for the first time, I was unaware of its existence because I did so in a ‘Mortadelo‘. The “Mortadelo Especial” featured self-contained stories that were four or six pages long and were titled “Time in Your Hands.

” These stories were similar to the renowned film adaptation of “The Time Machine” by HG Wells. These stories were included for a period of time in the late 1980s. There was one event in particular that attracted my attention; it was a detailed account of the life of a man, but it was given in reverse.

The narrative that left an impression on me started with the man’s death from a heart attack, and from that point on, I went back in time. This man lived his entire life again, regenerating, becoming a young man, being a child, and then “being born again.” and disappearing. This is something that I read in a “Mortadelo Especial,” I repeat. It wasn’t until much later that I realized what it was that he had entirely captivated my attention.

What I had read was an episode of a series called “Future Shocks,” which had a long history in the year 2000 AD and evolved in a variety of ways over the years that followed. These variations included “Twisted Tales,” “Future Shorts,” and “Pulp Sci-Fi,” all of which were self-contained and had a culminating twist.

These episodes were written in the most traditional style of “Stories from the Crypt,” but they were written in the key of horny science fiction and were intended for various audiences. The twist that I was waiting for was still to come: Alan Moore had been the screenwriter for that particular narrative.

Through its thematic diversity and self-contained atmosphere, ‘Future Shocks’ was the ideal venue for British comic book icons such as Moore, Grant Morrison, and Peter Milligan to make their debuts. ‘2000 AD’ was published in the eighties, and it was the right spot for them to begin their careers. Eventually, the MC publishing firm would aggregate these kinds of stories into a comic called “Zero Time,” which was a comic that I was obsessed with for a number of years. However, by that time, I had already reached out to Judge Dredd for the very first time.

It was a few years before to that when they started publishing DC characters in Spain, and it was in some of the core books that Zinco published. These adventures were derived from the American comic books that the character appeared in, which were not precisely the same as the ones that were published in the British ‘2000 AD’ comic book series. In order to conceal the fact that each episode of Dredd contained only four or six pages, they were colored and the pages were occasionally traced or re-labeled. This was done so that it would not be obvious that that was the case.

I was captivated for life by the magnetism of Judge Death and the amazing paintings of Brian Bolland, and it was there that I saw the Dark Judges for the first time. These Dark Judges are considered to be the most fearsome villains in the Dredd universe.

In the beginning, I was only interested in Dredd, but as time went on, I started looking at other characters from the series ‘2000 AD’ and became enthralled by the distinctive combination of caustic humor, mindless action from the eighties, aesthetic dirt, and characters on the edge.

This brief essay should not attempt to encapsulate the very lengthy history of ‘2000 AD’ or the significance of the magazine in popular culture because doing so would go beyond the scope of its intended purpose. However, it is possible to assert that, as I indicated earlier, it is becoming increasingly challenging for me to achieve my objective of reading the entirety of ‘2000 AD’, which has been in progress for several months now… and in the end, it is lucky that I am able to do so. I will elaborate.

The fact that material from previous years is continually being collected and retreaded for sale is causing it to become increasingly problematic. This is due to the fact that digital times and the appraisal of classic magazine material have caused this happening. Compositions of characters or specific sagas of characters that revisit the writers or the most significant moments of each icon of the magazine make up a significant portion of the offerings that are made available by Rebellion on a monthly basis. These collections are very well thought out.

In addition, for a considerable amount of time now, they have been reissued with a higher quality than the original (let us not forget that the original ‘2000 AD0 was a very inexpensive magazine, printed on paper of comparable quality at the level of its price), with restored inks and colors, which makes rereading no longer a pleasure but rather an obligation. The Spanish Dolmen, for instance, is using this information as a starting point for its versions of iconic characters. For the time being, the Spanish Dolmen has reintroduced characters such as Dredd, Strontium Dog, Judge Anderson, and the unclassifiable Nemesis the Warlock.

That is to say, ongoing and ecstatic interruptions to my primary objective of rereading “2000 AD” in order, to which is added the very healthy objective of the original magazine to publish, from time to time, a “hook-up issue,” in which almost all of the stories begin without continuing, making it ideal for introducing new readers to the publication. A torment, as I mentioned earlier, but a torment that is unbelievably pleasurable.

I will not leave without providing a few key works to delve into ‘2000 AD’, which go beyond the original magazine and the numerous compilations of its characters (if you want us to make a selection of introductory stories to Dredd, Johnny Alpha, and the rest of the cast, you just need to ask for them in the comments section, and we will see what we can do). You should pay particular attention to the following if you are interested in the history of the year 2000 AD:–660272e624a8e#goto5587—–nepal-566728846

By b0oua

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