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US health care ranks bottom in latest research

By b0oua Apr 22, 2024

An analysis of performance that was recently carried out by the Commonwealth Fund reveals that the health care system

the United States continually fails to meet expectations, despite the fact that it is the most expensive in the world. As it has done in studies conducted in past years, the United States of America comes in lowest place when compared to ten other countries.

It is a private foundation with the mission of promoting a “high performing health care system that achieves better access, improved quality, and greater efficiency, particularly for society’s most vulnerable, including low-income people, the uninsured, minority Americans, young children, and elderly adults.” The Commonwealth Fund’s mission statement can be found here.

In order to accomplish this, it gives funds to facilitate advances in health care policy and practice, as well as promotes independent research on issues pertaining to health care.

In the past, the Commonwealth Fund has carried out the “Mirror, Mirror” performance analysis in the years 2010, 2007, 2006, and 2004. The United States of America has consistently delivered the worst health results for patients across all editions of the research, and it ranks near the bottom of the list in terms of access, efficiency, and equity in health care.

Regarding the health care system in their respective countries, a total of 18,667 patients were polled in 2011 and 20,045 patients were polled in 2013 throughout the 11 countries that were represented in the survey. An additional survey was conducted in which 9,776 medical professionals from 11 different nations were asked about their experiences in providing medical treatment to patients.

The summary of the research presents its findings in a manner that categorizes them into five primary aspects: quality, accessibility, efficiency, equity, and healthy lives.

As far as quality is concerned, the survey indicates that although there has been some progress in recent years, the United States’ ranking in 2014 was still worse than it should have been due to poor scores on safe and coordinated care. According to the recommendations made by the Fund, the United States should continue to use health information technologies that enhance the capacity of medical professionals to determine the most appropriate therapy for patients, particularly those who suffer from chronic diseases.

In the study, the people who were most likely to report having difficulties in gaining access to health care services owing to the cost were Americans. According to the findings of the survey, people in the United States enjoy quick access to specialist medical services; yet, when compared to patients in other countries, access to primary medical care is far more limited.

According to the authors of the study, there is a “frequent misperception that trade-offs between universal coverage and timely access to specialized services are inevitable.” This is despite the fact that the study discovered that patients in Canada had “little to no” financial burden yet endure significant waiting times for services.

The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Germany are described in the report as having universal coverage, providing speedy access to specialty care, and having low out-of-pocket expenditures.

According to the survey, the United States of America came in worst place for efficiency, while the United Kingdom came in first. The report draws attention to a number of performance difficulties, including those pertaining to measurements of national health expenditures and administrative costs, measures of “administrative hassles,” needless usage of emergency rooms, and duplicate medical testing.

When it came to equity, the United States of America was found to be by far the worst nation that was evaluated. It has been stated that at least one third of Americans with incomes that are below the average have gone without necessary medical care in the past year due to the high expense of such care. Due to the high cost of medical care, these Americans were less likely to visit their doctor when they were sick, to fill their prescriptions, or to receive a recommended test, treatment, or follow-up care.

The United States of America came in worst place overall across all three of the study’s indices of healthy lives: mortality that could be treated by medical professionals, infant mortality, and healthy life expectancy at the age of sixty. The countries of France, Sweden, and Switzerland achieved the top rankings in the category of healthy lives.

Performance was evaluated based on the data collected from the national mortality rate as well as the self-reported perceptions and experiences of both patients and medical professionals. The authors acknowledge that there are certain limits to the methodology that they adopted. The authors state the following about their rankings:

Nevertheless, the authors draw the conclusion from their findings that, in order to cover those who are not covered by insurance, insurance coverage should be expanded, and that all Americans should have access to health care services. They argue that the Affordable Care Act is a step in the right direction toward this goal because it allows families with low to moderate incomes to now ask for financial assistance in order to receive health insurance coverage.

They urge that the United States of America should establish payment systems that promote high-quality treatment and incorporate public reporting of quality data in order to improve the safety and quality of care. This would be similar to what other countries have done in order to raise the bar.



By b0oua

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