Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

The wood that saved Rose in ‘Titanic’ sold for $718k.

By b0oua Apr 2, 2024

A number of the most recognizable props in the history of Hollywood were put up for sale the previous week. These included the famed ax from The Shining, the reliable whip that Indiana Jones used, and the assortment of chocolates that Forrest Gump used.

However, the object that was the most popular was a piece of trash, albeit one that has been the subject of speculation and discussion for more than a quarter of a century. “The wood panel from Titanic that saved Rose — but, controversially, not Jack — was the king of the auction, realizing $718,750 to float to the top of the five-day event,” Heritage Auctions stated in a release. “The auction was held over the course of five days.”

An iconic part was played by the “Hero Floating Wood Panel” in the blockbuster film that was released in 1997. While Rose, played by Kate Winslet, is able to stay afloat on a piece of a door as the Titanic sinks, leaving passengers stranded in the icy waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Jack, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, clings to the edge of the ship and eventually succumbs to hypothermia.

When the auctioneer introduced the item on the lot, he said, “The biggest scene, really, the climactic scene if you will.” “There are several big scenes but this is it, this is the goodbye.” The bidding began at $60,000 and ended approximately five minutes later at $575,000 (the total cost included additional costs). the total cost included additional fees. The video livestream shows the audience enthusiastically applauding the winner, whom the auctioneer refers to as “Mr. Green.” The crowd can be heard clapping their hands enthusiastically.

According to Heritage Auctions, the “Treasures from Planet Hollywood” sale, which took place over the course of five days, brought in more than $15.6 million from over 5,500 bidders from all over the world across about 1,600 pieces. The auction house stated that there were so many contests for bids that “we lost track.”

Executive Vice President Joe Maddalena said in a statement that was provided to National Public Radio that “there has been a generational shift to where these massive franchises and blockbusters of the 1980s and 1990s — the Home Alones, the Indiana Jones films, the Die Hards, and of course, Titanic — are now collectors‘ favorites.” “Collectors are finally rewarding these artifacts as what they are: cultural artifacts akin to the fine art of old.”

A further indication that the public’s interest with the tragedy that occurred one hundred years ago is not going away is the fact that five of the top lots originated from the Titanic. These lots included the ship’s helm wheel, which was valued at $200,000, Rose’s waterlogged chiffon dress, which was valued at $118,750, and the ship’s brass engine order telegraph, which was valued at $81,250.

According to the auction site, the floating piece of wood is 8 feet in length and 41 inches in width. It is composed of balsa and intricately carved with rococo themes such as floral accents and scrolling curves. The following is written on a plaque that is attached to the rear of it: “Leonardo DiCaprio / Kate Winslet / ‘Titanic’ / Twentieth Century Fox / Paramount Pictures, 1997 / In their respective roles as “Jack Dawson” and “Rose DeWitt Bukater,” the floating panel that he utilizes to save her life during the sinking scenario of the film is a crucial moment in the movie. This image is provided by Twentieth Century Fox.

The “most famous complete piece of debris from the 1912 tragedy,” which is believed to be a section of the door frame right above the first-class lounge entrance, served as the inspiration for the prop, according to Heritage Auctions.

It is hypothesized by the researchers that the panel is a representation of the precise location where the ship broke in two and that it rose to the surface of the ocean as the ship collapsed. It has been brought to the attention of the auction company that it bears a striking resemblance to a specific artifact preserved in the Maritime Museum in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

An American specialist who had assisted with research at the museum was contacted by director James Cameron during his visit to the institution during the creation of the movie, as stated by the Maritime Museum. “Among other things this permitted accurate replicas of the deckchairs to be constructed and most notably, a replica of a large piece of carved oak [paneling] to be built,” according to the report. “It was used in the climactic death scene in the film where the character Rose clings to floating wreckage.”

Rose could have saved Jack and their star-crossed love story by just scooting over to Jack, according to the irate fans who have been arguing for decades that there was room on the board for both of the lovers. This is something that Cameron has made very apparent in a number of interviews that he has conducted over the years.

“When Jack puts Rose on the raft, he tries to get on the raft — he’s not an idiot, he doesn’t want to die — and the raft sinks; it kind of flips,” Cameron explained to IGN in the year 2012. Because of this, it is very evident that there is just sufficient buoyancy for a single individual. So he comes to the conclusion that he will allow her to be that person.

There was also a collaboration between MythBusters and Cameron in an episode that aired in the same year to address the subject, which the show referred to as “the most requested myth in MythBuster history.” They came to the conclusion that Rose and Jack may have both avoided hypothermia and remained floating if they had thought to tie her life jacket below it to help with buoyancy. However, this would have been the lone exception. When asked about it at the time, Cameron responded, “That is completely missing the point.” Five years later, he stated that he enjoyed working with the MythBusters, but that they were full of s***.

According to the script, Jack passed away. During the episode, he stated that he must pass away. “So maybe we screwed up and the board should have been a little tiny bit smaller, but the dude’s goin’ down.” In 2022, a full quarter of a century after the film’s initial release, Cameron announced that he had commissioned a scientific research with the intention of, hopefully, putting an end to the controversy once and for all.

It was suggested by the findings, which were presented in a National Geographic special the previous year, that Jack and Rose could have been able to survive on the improvised raft if they had been more knowledgeable about hypothermia and thermodynamics.

“In an experiment in a test pool, we can’t possibly simulate the terror, the adrenaline, all the things that worked against them,” Cameron explained to reporters. “He could not have had imagined what we know about hypothermia at this point in time. It was not possible for him to conduct a large number of experiments to determine which ones were the most successful.

At the end of the day, Cameron argued that Jack’s death was essential, not only as a plot device but also as a character choice. On the other hand, he stated that he would have done it differently if he had known then what he knows now: “There is no doubt that I would have made the raft slightly smaller.”!-tunisia-by-crystalix-tunisia—–tunisia-131336817

By b0oua

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